What IB Subjects Are Required to Pursue a Career in Architecture?

If you are thinking about your future as an architect, you better start selecting the most appropriate subjects to study if you are attending the IB Diploma program.

The International Baccalaureate program is known for its rigorous academic curriculum that prepares students for university and future careers. For those aspiring to become architects, certain IB subjects can provide the foundational knowledge necessary for their future studies and professional endeavors. 

Beyond the classroom, the IB program also demands in-depth research and analysis through assignments like Internal Assessments, Theory of Knowledge essay, and Extended Essay. 

IB Subjects for Aspiring Architects: A Closer Look

Let’s explore the subjects and how students can align their research interests with their architectural aspirations.

1. Studies in Language and Literature: English

  • Importance: Effective communication is essential in architecture, where conveying ideas clearly to clients, colleagues, and contractors is crucial.
  • How it Helps: Proficiency in English enables architects to articulate their concepts, write proposals, and communicate effectively in a professional setting.

2. Language Acquisition: Foreign Languages

  • Importance: As architecture is a global field, knowledge of foreign languages can be beneficial, especially for those who plan to work internationally.
  • How it Helps: Learning a foreign language can assist in understanding local cultures, communicating with international clients, and working on global projects.

3. Individuals and Societies: History or Geography

  • Importance: Understanding the historical and geographical context is vital for creating designs that resonate with the local culture and environment.
  • How it Helps: History provides insights into architectural styles and cultural influences, while geography helps in understanding the physical environment and its impact on design.

4. Sciences: Physics

  • Importance: Architecture involves understanding the structural integrity of buildings and the physical principles that underpin construction.
  • How it Helps: Physics provides the knowledge required to create stable, safe, and sustainable structures.

5. Mathematics

  • Importance: Architecture involves complex calculations related to dimensions, proportions, and structural integrity.
  • How it Helps: A strong foundation in mathematics ensures architects can make accurate calculations, essential for creating feasible and functional designs.

6. The Arts: Visual Arts

  • Importance: Architecture is as much an art as it is a science. Creativity and aesthetic sensibility are key traits of successful architects.
  • How it Helps: Visual Arts fosters creativity, encourages experimentation with different mediums, and helps in developing a keen sense of aesthetics.

School-Specific Requirements

While the above subjects provide a solid foundation for aspiring architects, it’s important to note that architecture schools and programs might have specific prerequisites. 

These can vary based on the institution’s focus, the country’s regulations, or the particular architecture program on offer. 

Therefore, it’s advisable to research individual school requirements or consult with college advisors who can offer tailored guidance.

IB Internal Assessment Topics in Architecture

The IB Internal Assessment offers students the chance to explore a subject in depth, applying their knowledge in a practical context. 

For those with an inclination towards architecture, the IA can be a platform to delve into architectural concepts, theories, and practices. 

Here are five potential topics and research questions for the IA, spanning various subjects:

The Influence of Culture on Architecture (World Religions or Anthropology)

  • Research Question: How does local culture in [specific region/country] influence its architectural styles and practices?

Sustainable Architecture (Environmental Systems and Societies)

  • Research Question: What are the primary principles of sustainable architecture, and how are they reflected in [specific building or city]?

The Role of Technology in Architecture (Design Technology or Computer Science)

  • Research Question: How has the integration of digital technology impacted architectural design processes in the 21st century?

Historical Architectural Styles (History)

  • Research Question: How did the [specific architectural style, e.g., Baroque or Modernist] influence the architectural trends of its subsequent-era?

Urban Planning and Architecture (Geography)

  • Research Question: How do architectural designs in [specific city] align with its urban planning objectives and development goals?

When initially discussing the subjects for a career in architecture, we focused on the broader subjects that are typically associated with the field. 

However, the IB curriculum offers a wide range of subjects, and many of them can be tailored to fit specific interests, including architecture. The subsequent suggestions for the Internal Assessment topics aimed to provide a more detailed and diverse approach, showcasing how various IB subjects can be applied to architectural studies.

It’s essential to understand that while certain subjects are directly related to architecture, many others can offer valuable perspectives and insights when approached with an architectural lens. The versatility of the IB program allows students to explore their passions from multiple angles

Seeking Support with IB Assignments?

The complexities of the IB curriculum can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when handling in-depth tasks like the Internal Assessment. 

For students in need of direction, topic brainstorming, or comprehensive guidance, turning to IB writers can be beneficial. Armed with a deep understanding of various subjects and the nuances of IB requirements, they are poised to provide the assistance students need to thrive academically.

The IB program, with its rich and varied curriculum, prepares budding architects with the academic foundation and research skills vital for a prosperous career in architecture. 

By tailoring their academic pursuits to align with their architectural interests and leveraging the depth of the IB’s research assignments, students can achieve a holistic grasp of the world of architecture.